In many parts of the world there are species of geranium that are critically endangered or extinct. The garden geranium is on the Australian National Heritage Trust’s Alert List for Environmental Weeds that threaten biodiversity and cause environmental damage[1]. Soon to become a huge pest to Victoria’s native flora and fauna, they are one of the most popular commercially sold garden plants. In Victoria, geraniums sit ambiguously between a plant and a weed, deriving connotations of being out-dated and old fashioned. One of the key arguments used to justify the closure of media based studios including glass, ceramics and metals is that they have become out-dated and no longer relevant to contemporary arts practice and research. Geraniums signify the economic impact on the ecological equilibrium and the importance of preserving craft as a diverse form of contemporary arts practice within Victoria.
[1]http://www.weeds.gov.au/publications/guidelines/alert/p-alchemilloides.html, Australian Government, Department of Environment and Heritage- CRC Australian Weed Management.
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